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Aw Yong Wee Wee

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

We may have thought that creativity is a realm belonging to a selected few. But is it? In this issue, we explore together some interesting stories that may strike a chord of inspiration for you. You can be creative too.

5 Creativity Myths You Probably Believe

Creativity isn't the result of a high IQ or being 'right-brained.' Before you get set to work on your next project, know what's actually holding you back and what's all in your head.

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The Do's And Don'ts Of Creativity

Creativity is one of the most intrinsically rewarding endeavors we engage in. Creativity requires a combination of innovation, inspiration, and a tremendous amount of hard work. It allows us to explore both the wondrous potential and the incredible detail of things. And let’s not forget that those little shots of dopamine that creativity releases in the rewards center of our brain…how could you not love that?!

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Think out of the Box

There must be a reason why Apple's slogan is 'Think Different.' Here's a glimpse.'

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Every month, I'm happy to take time to bring you a shortlist of curated articles. I hope they'll add value, smiles and some laughter to you. Enjoy and share!
Aw Yong Wee Wee
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Sheng Yong, Efg Bank Assistant Manager

Hey, I have a really great friend that joined prudential and she has helped me with my policies. she's is efficient and responsive. If you trust me, you should meet her! Her name is Wee Wee and I am sure you will enjoy meeting her.


Wee Wee is very committed in her work. She takes extra effort to explain and update me the changes in my policy. Grateful to have you in supporting my insurance plan. Thanks for the extra effort and generousity in advising my queries and showing me what I can be prepared for my life plan. Namaste!

Qin Jin, Digisound Hearing Consultant

I've known Wee wee for quite a few years before being her customer. She is always a very thoughtful and kind person, as a friend or an insurance agent. She always cheerful and like to share information, which makes it easy for me to ask her for help when needed. Trust that she will do the same for you too!


Hey, I have a really good friend that joined prudential and she has helped me with my policies. she's fantastic, I really want you to meet her. Trust me, she's really unlike the rest of the financial adviser out there! Her name is Wee Wee and I am sure you will enjoy meeting her.

Kelvin, Engineer

Wee Wee is responsive to enquiries be it SmS, whatsapp or emails. She makes an effort to reply whenever she can or available. Wee wee has also advised and helped me with issues and doubts faced with my policy. She is responsible and efficient and knowledgeable. Keep it up Wee Wee. Highly Recommended, thumbs up 👍!

Tharindu & Nuwani

I feel l assured to have someone who is knowledgeable to call upon when I need advice. And Wee Wee is high on my list. She’s consistent and reliable. Trust me, I've known her for a few years and she is really helpful. Please meet her.