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Aw Yong Wee Wee

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A Monthly Curated Newsletter

The lack of sleep being linked to chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease isn't a happy story. Certainly not for those of us who are more conscious about building happiness in life. Please share this newsletter issue with those you care about. We can impact lives together!

How The World Forgot To Sleep

We're getting less shuteye than ever before, and it's ruining our health, happiness and prosperity. With the use of prescription and poorly regulated herbal sleep aides rising rapidly, Joanna Fuertes examines the cost, and asks what the long-term solutions to our 'sleep loss epidemic' could be

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The Link Between a Lack of Sleep and Type 2 Diabetes

You know that your family medical history, along with what you eat and how much you weigh, can affect your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But did you know that your sleep habits can also play a role? It’s true.

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What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | Prof. Matthew Walker

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Aw Yong Wee Wee
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Han Wen

Patient, kind and attentive, Wee Wee does an amazing job to simplify succinctly what the different insurance products are, how we could plan ahead, leverage on the different products available and plan to better cover ourselves. Sparing no effort in advising how one could be adequately covered, Wee Wee does her level best to engage and tailor plans that are best suited and prioritised for your needs. Wee Wee’s affable and debonair personality makes it a joy to work with her. Coupled with her extensive experience in the industry, you can always rely on Wee Wee for sound advice in financial planning and insurance.

Neow Bo Kai, Nus Computer Engineering Student

If you need someone is genuinely cares for your well being, Wee Wee is definitely someone you should get to know! She has taught me a lot about the financial world and has been very open about sharing tips on how to put my money to good use. Diligent and honest, Wee Wee is definitely who would work hard to help you!

Christy, Legal Advisor Legac Blossom

I am glad to have Wee Wee to take care my insurance needs. I must say that having a resourceful & knowledgeable friend to call on can really make a difference. She is very committed and professional in her work. I hope you can avail yourself to get to know her too. No. 1 highly recommended.


Wee Wee is very committed in her work. She takes extra effort to explain and update me the changes in my policy. Grateful to have you in supporting my insurance plan. Thanks for the extra effort and generousity in advising my queries and showing me what I can be prepared for my life plan. Namaste!

Joon Hin, exceltec, property executive

Wee wee has given me a comprehensive explanation with regards to the different policies that prudential has to offer. This has allowed to choose policies that suits and are applicable to my needs. Trust me and meet her, I believe you will also benefit from the meeting also!

Jason Hung, Restaurant Manager At Eighteenchefs

I feel l assured to have someone who is knowledgeable to call upon when I need advice. And Wee Wee is high on my list. She’s consistent and reliable. Please meet her.